Columbarium Notebook

An excerpt from our columbarium temple notebook…

You will build a full spectral place where ochres come together; where doves, spirits and the dead come to nest. A columbarium made of earthen clay and ochre to sway the world’s iron heart. There will be goddesses of every kind in niches; they look like rubbed and crushed rocks. Their bodies are dust and fill every crack and breathe. Columbariums are known by several names: dovecote, mausolea, pigeonairre, chullpa, chullpares, tupa, cairn, tomb tower, naguta (“bone-receiving pagoda”), nōkotsudō (“bone-receiving hall”), stupa, reliquary, shariden (舎利殿, relic hall), charnel house, catacomb, crypt, arcosolium, hypogeum, hof, horgr, vé, the sanctuaries that were tentatively identified with the kind of massive stone settings…”